Prom Flowers
The corsages and boutonnieres shown below are just a sampling of the work we can do at BRADY STREET FLORIST. Call or stop by our shop and let us help you personalize the perfect corsage & coordinating boutonniere! You’ve picked out the perfect prom dress and an elegant prom hairstyle, now it’s time to pick the perfect corsage & boutonniere! BRADY STREET FLORIST has the best selection of prom flowers in Du Bois to match every color of prom dress.

Prom is a big deal to any teenage girl. Perfect makeup, dress, shoes --- but what about flowers? Prom corsages must be perfect as well! Stop by BRADY STREET FLORIST and let us help you create a something special. With a picture or description of the dress, we can create something that not only matches, it enhances the dress' beauty.